Now Available for Pre-Ordering

Now Available for Pre-Ordering
"Voyage of Purpose" © David and Cindy Bennett. released by Findhorn Press, Scotland, October 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

Communication with Spirit and Finding Purpose

Since Voyage of Purpose was released, I have been receiving more and more correspondence from people who are just starting on similar paths as mine. Some are asking, “How can I develop communication with Spirit and find my purpose?” In this post I want to encourage and give some initial guidance and recommendations.

Developing our communication with Spirit can be confusing and difficult, especially in the beginning and even more troubling when trying to use that communication for finding purpose. I've learned it requires spending time to discern what is Spirit communication and what is normal mind chatter. I had similar problems especially after my Near-Death Experience (NDE), because my mind would sometimes try to sound like Spirit. I found it helpful to start using creativity to help me get a handle on what was Spirit and what was incessant mind chatter.

I believe our inspiration comes from Spirit. I know we all have something that we love to do that brings about inspiration maybe it’s music, art, crafts, writing or whatever. As we do these activities that bring us joy, I recommend devoting all our attention to it and see what new ideas pop into our consciousness. Explore the new ideas further and try to accomplish them. I found as I worked in my creativity my heart would sing when new inspiring ideas came into my thoughts. That is a very subtle way Spirit can start to communicate so we can hear it above the chatter in our brains.

I also recommend meditation to everyone on a spiritual path, I know, I know, that in itself can be a challenge. Meditation is great, yet if your having trouble quieting the mind try a ceremony before the meditation. Ceremony gives the mind a chance to wind down. Something like lighting a candle and giving your gratitudes for all the good and all the obstacles in life, then visualize them going into the light so they can achieve the highest good for all. I found that simple ceremonies gives the mind something to do and helps in quieting it, For example, look at all the ceremony that is part of church services, they have a purpose.

Take a moment to unplug from all the technology and visual sensations. Focus instead on “Being.” Once we tap back into the world around us we can see it as it really is, multiple streams of consciousness that are part of a single wholeness with infinite possibilities.

Our Purpose reveals itself with spiritual maturity. Once we commit to living a spiritually heart centered life, our purpose will start to reveal itself. First it comes in small ways. For example, when we have synchronistic events occur it tell us we are in the flow and where we are supposed to be. Be patient and quietly aware while looking for the purpose and it will show itself, meanwhile enjoy the direction spiritual development takes you.

Many times in life we are attracted to what we need, mostly this give us the skills or knowledge we will need later. When we keep at it, we find what works for us. We are each unique individuals that are helping the universe shift into a new tomorrow. The more we work on ourselves the more we help the universe become a more peaceful and sustainable environment. Spirit is quietly waiting to give us the assistance necessary once we relax, focus and understand our ability to communicate.

Monday, October 3, 2011

We are so Blessed

We want to Thank everyone for your powerful and empowering voices that have been endorsing the book. Here are some of the most recent reviews.

However you read this book, it is a powerful experience. At the most basic, mundane level, it is an incredible story of the triumph of the human spirit over the most devastating challenges life can throw at us. Abandonment, abuse, drowning and physical death, cancer and the overwhelming pain of a collapsed spine - David Bennett overcame them all. The story, however, is in what they taught him and what he, as a result, was able to learn about the real essence of spirit - his own and the greater whole of which we are all a part - and how we are never alone. Through his near death experience and the sensitivity that brought on, David became a spiritual teacher of the highest calling, and this book is a gift to all who read it.
Miriam Knight "New Consciousness Review" 

David you have given my spirit such a lift with your wonderful book!..and I am only half way through it.
The depth and beauty you have expressed is such a rich experience! I have heard you speak many times, enjoyed it every time, with all you share but this is a gift I want to share with a dedicated "bookie" this will be a Christmas present to souls I deeply care about. Thanks to you and Cindy for a richly meaningful , soul uplifting, deeply stirring,inspiring book! ~ Love and blessings, Betty

It puts all in simple terms and does a fine task of addressing any possible
fears of dying. In fact, you have been able to show the absolute beauty that I personally found difficult to articulate in describing my own NDE experience. Many thanks to you and Cindy for this excellent book.  Sincerely, Marie
David will be on the New Consciousness Review Radio show with Miriam Knight Tuesday Oct 4th morning 9 am PST, 12 noon EST.
The show will also air on iTunes, on the Wonderful World Media Network,, in Australia, on Stitcher, a mobile streaming platform, on KWRM 106.9 FM HD 3 in Seattle, on WXMR-FM 100.7 in Plattsburgh, NY and Burlington, VT., and of course on

Friday, September 16, 2011

Hi Everyone,
We are so excited!!! "Voyage of Purpose" is going to come out in a couple of weeks.
We want to share some great early reviews we are getting for our book, here are a couple.

Howard Storm ~ Author of "My Descent Into Death: A Second Chance at Life"

Everyone is on a spiritual journey but David Bennett is on the roller coaster ride of a journey and with Spirit. Totally engaging in candor and truth, totally inspiring in the outcomes of the struggles. Voyage of Purpose is the real deal.


From Kimberly Clark Sharp, MSW, LiCSW  ~  author of "After the Light"

President, Seattle International Association for Near-Death Studies

Voyage of Purpose is an inspirational book that prompts one's curiosity, sense of validation, open-heartedness and peace of mind. Your soul will thank you for reading it.


Rev. Daniel Chesbro ~ Author of "The Order of Melchizedek: Love, Willing Service, & Fulfillment"

"In sharing his life testimonial in Voyage of Purpose, David Bennett is fulfilling his purpose and vow as priest in the order of Melchizedek to teach and to heal.

From P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D.,   ~ author of

(P.M.H. Atwater ~ Author of too many books to list!  Researcher in NDEs. and most respected among all the experiencers we know. I feel there is something here toward the end we could pluck out and use.)

"David Bennett is one of millions who have had a near-death
experience; one of thousands who have written about it.  You never get tired
of these stories.  Whether the individual was frightened or uplifted,
there's something special about "the telling of the tale."  David's VOYAGE
OF PURPOSE, though, has a different ring to it.  His is a raw and honest
travelogue of a man who hardly had a chance as a child, then became a "man's
man" to make up the difference, took up diving, got caught in a storm that
beat him up so bad he should have wound up in a coffin.  In his near-death
scenario he met his Soul Family, an experience that rocked him to his core.
His life changed after that - new job, big move, later a divorce, remarried,
then the discovery of massive tumors and a dissolving spine.  What he went
through to regain his health is the stuff of miracles; what he learned along
the way is a message for all of us - about spirituality, about purpose,
about the power of prayer and the reality of unconditional love.  David is a
gentle soul today, someone you want to be in the same room with, as just his
presence heals and calms.  In VOYAGE OF PURPOSE he shares what he learns as he learns it.  He takes you with him into the depths of spirit, so you can
feel your own soul and discover your own truth."


From Dr. Bruce Greyson coauthor of "The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences."

Voyage of Purpose is a remarkable account of Dave Bennett’s twenty-year journey to find meaning in his repeated brushes with death.  Faced with crisis after crisis, he learned to embrace his path rather than to run from it. More than a guide to spiritual growth, this is a riveting story of one survivor’s odyssey to chart his own voyage through suffering and setbacks into a life of meaning and purpose.

Bruce Greyson, M.D. 
Carlson Prof. of Psychiatry & Neurobehavioral Sciences 
Director, Division of Perceptual Studies University of Virginia Health System 


From Dr. Jeffrey Long  ~ author of 
"Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences"

You have an exceptional book, and it is an honor and privilege for me to give it my total and heart-felt endorsement. 

 Voyage of Purpose is an exceptionally beautiful and well-written book.  David’s near-death experience is dramatic, and so is his cure from what should have been a fatal cancer.  From such remarkable experiences, this book exudes an abundance of wisdom.  This highly recommended book gives remarkable insights to help all of us along our own Voyage of Purpose.

               Congratulations on your outstanding book!

 -Jeffrey Long, MD

Friday, May 27, 2011

Now Available for pre-ordering with deep introductory discounts.

We were just recently notified by our publishers at Findhorn Press that "Voyage of Purpose" is Now Available for pre-ordering on Amazon and Findhorn Press with deep introductory discounts. 

Be the first to get your copy when they are released. 

Help us have the best pre-book launch ever!!! 
Simply pre-order "Voyage of Purpose" and you'll be supporting a positive and empowering message. 

To help make it easy the publisher has some spectacular introductory discounts. I do not know how long those deep discounts will last.

Here is a postcard we will be sending out to friends and clients in the coming weeks. 

ISBN: 978-1-84409-565-0 
Available at and Findhorn Press

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Little about "Voyage of Purpose"

“Voyage of Purpose” is an inspirational book about three transformative experiences David underwent. Each episode built upon the next, all pointing the way toward a life of purpose. 

Before these experiences, David was a brash young commercial diver / chief engineer whose personal philosophy was “Cut your swath through life and survive.” He was successful with that philosophy yet he didn’t really understand who he was or his life’s direction.

One night David was caught in a violent storm two miles off the California coast where he drowned. He went from the darkness of death into the Light. There he met light beings, his "Soul Family", re-lived his life and also peeked into his future. When told he must return, David didn’t want to leave the Love and Family he discovered. Yet being a part of that Universal Consciousness he understood there was a purpose and agreed to return. 

“Dying is hard; But Returning to life is even more difficult.” 

It was a completely different paradigm shift for him. Like most spiritually transformative experiencers David had questions and troubles with integrating these new values with the life he had already cutout for himself. He even tried to hide and push away the experience. 

In Voyage of Purpose we show the path of integrating these experiences into our daily lives, how to overcome the challenges and begin living a spiritual life of becoming a whole being – a whole person. We share the ways David learned to bring spirituality into all aspects of life, not just the comfortable after work parts.

David and his Soul Family also looked into his future during the life review. That future caught up with him when diagnosed with stage 4 Lung Cancer that metastasized into the spine causing it to collapse. With lesions in his hip, kidneys and brain, the medical prognosis was grim.

That's not what David saw in the life review. Cancer was part of his life purpose. He knew he was going to survive it.

In Voyage of Purpose we share messages Spirit gave David to overcome the pain, visualizations to use during treatments and guidance to balance between traditional and holistic medicine. David's cancer was completely gone within six months.

"Voyage of Purpose" © David and Cindy Bennett. The book will be released by Findhorn Press, in October 2011 - - (the book is not up on their website yet, but will come in late spring/summer and then you can read more and pre-order).