Since Voyage of Purpose was released, I have been receiving more and more correspondence from people who are just starting on similar paths as mine. Some are asking, “How can I develop communication with Spirit and find my purpose?” In this post I want to encourage and give some initial guidance and recommendations.
Developing our communication with Spirit can be confusing and difficult, especially in the beginning and even more troubling when trying to use that communication for finding purpose. I've learned it requires spending time to discern what is Spirit communication and what is normal mind chatter. I had similar problems especially after my Near-Death Experience (NDE), because my mind would sometimes try to sound like Spirit. I found it helpful to start using creativity to help me get a handle on what was Spirit and what was incessant mind chatter.
I believe our inspiration comes from Spirit. I know we all have something that we love to do that brings about inspiration maybe it’s music, art, crafts, writing or whatever. As we do these activities that bring us joy, I recommend devoting all our attention to it and see what new ideas pop into our consciousness. Explore the new ideas further and try to accomplish them. I found as I worked in my creativity my heart would sing when new inspiring ideas came into my thoughts. That is a very subtle way Spirit can start to communicate so we can hear it above the chatter in our brains.
I also recommend meditation to everyone on a spiritual path, I know, I know, that in itself can be a challenge. Meditation is great, yet if your having trouble quieting the mind try a ceremony before the meditation. Ceremony gives the mind a chance to wind down. Something like lighting a candle and giving your gratitudes for all the good and all the obstacles in life, then visualize them going into the light so they can achieve the highest good for all. I found that simple ceremonies gives the mind something to do and helps in quieting it, For example, look at all the ceremony that is part of church services, they have a purpose.
Take a moment to unplug from all the technology and visual sensations. Focus instead on “Being.” Once we tap back into the world around us we can see it as it really is, multiple streams of consciousness that are part of a single wholeness with infinite possibilities.
Our Purpose reveals itself with spiritual maturity. Once we commit to living a spiritually heart centered life, our purpose will start to reveal itself. First it comes in small ways. For example, when we have synchronistic events occur it tell us we are in the flow and where we are supposed to be. Be patient and quietly aware while looking for the purpose and it will show itself, meanwhile enjoy the direction spiritual development takes you.
Many times in life we are attracted to what we need, mostly this give us the skills or knowledge we will need later. When we keep at it, we find what works for us. We are each unique individuals that are helping the universe shift into a new tomorrow. The more we work on ourselves the more we help the universe become a more peaceful and sustainable environment. Spirit is quietly waiting to give us the assistance necessary once we relax, focus and understand our ability to communicate.