Now Available for Pre-Ordering

Now Available for Pre-Ordering
"Voyage of Purpose" © David and Cindy Bennett. released by Findhorn Press, Scotland, October 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Little about "Voyage of Purpose"

“Voyage of Purpose” is an inspirational book about three transformative experiences David underwent. Each episode built upon the next, all pointing the way toward a life of purpose. 

Before these experiences, David was a brash young commercial diver / chief engineer whose personal philosophy was “Cut your swath through life and survive.” He was successful with that philosophy yet he didn’t really understand who he was or his life’s direction.

One night David was caught in a violent storm two miles off the California coast where he drowned. He went from the darkness of death into the Light. There he met light beings, his "Soul Family", re-lived his life and also peeked into his future. When told he must return, David didn’t want to leave the Love and Family he discovered. Yet being a part of that Universal Consciousness he understood there was a purpose and agreed to return. 

“Dying is hard; But Returning to life is even more difficult.” 

It was a completely different paradigm shift for him. Like most spiritually transformative experiencers David had questions and troubles with integrating these new values with the life he had already cutout for himself. He even tried to hide and push away the experience. 

In Voyage of Purpose we show the path of integrating these experiences into our daily lives, how to overcome the challenges and begin living a spiritual life of becoming a whole being – a whole person. We share the ways David learned to bring spirituality into all aspects of life, not just the comfortable after work parts.

David and his Soul Family also looked into his future during the life review. That future caught up with him when diagnosed with stage 4 Lung Cancer that metastasized into the spine causing it to collapse. With lesions in his hip, kidneys and brain, the medical prognosis was grim.

That's not what David saw in the life review. Cancer was part of his life purpose. He knew he was going to survive it.

In Voyage of Purpose we share messages Spirit gave David to overcome the pain, visualizations to use during treatments and guidance to balance between traditional and holistic medicine. David's cancer was completely gone within six months.

"Voyage of Purpose" © David and Cindy Bennett. The book will be released by Findhorn Press, in October 2011 - - (the book is not up on their website yet, but will come in late spring/summer and then you can read more and pre-order).